How to Find the Right Real Estate Agent

June 9, 2022by Sterling Homes0

Owning a home is no small feat that means getting the right real estate agent fit for you.

If you’re looking for a real estate agent, whether you’re a buyer or a seller, you want to find one with a personality that matches yours, a working style and responsiveness that is sympathetic, and experience working with buyers or sellers in similar situations.

We have curated these 4 tips to guide you to get the perfect real estate agent for your home ownership process.

  1. Research Potential Candidates

Examine an agent’s online presence first. Examine the agent’s website as well as his or her social media sites. Also, take a peek at their internet reviews. One or two unfavorable reviews aren’t a big deal, but more than that could be a red flag.

While you take down a wish list of what should be in your new home, ensure that you confirm if your proposed real estate agent is licensed or under any disciplinary action.

2. Interview potential real estate agents for validity

To size up a good fit, interview several potential real estate agents before you settle on one to work with. You can interview the agent over the phone, or get together at his office for the first meeting, but don’t expect a top-producing agent to meet you at your home before you’ve made a selection.

Be wary of agents who don’t ask you questions and probe for your motivation. This is because you need to see how polished and professional their proposal is.

After all, you’re looking for someone who is familiar with a particular area and understands your budget and needs.

Questions to ask these potential real estate agents should include;

  • What are the top three things that separate you from your competition?
  • Can I review documents ahead of time?
  • How much do you charge?
  • What kind of guarantee do you offer?
  • What haven’t I asked you that you think I should know?


3. Get referrals from friends and family

Ask people in your network if they can recommend a real estate agent with whom they’ve had a good experience. Ideally, you want someone with experience working with clients who are similar to you.

4. Follow your instincts

The skill of an agent to lead you smoothly through the procedure is just as crucial as their expertise and experience. Above all, choose an agent you can trust and with whom you will feel at ease if the path to closing becomes rocky.


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